how to use virtual capabilities from WURFL XML

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how to use virtual capabilities from WURFL XML

Postby » Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:51 pm

Hi there,

I've downloaded the latest WURFL data from here:

There is a section which contains virtual capabilities, such as is_android/is_ios. But I don't see any device which has this flag set. Could you please shed some light on how to use this virtual capabilities?



Re: how to use virtual capabilities from WURFL XML

Postby Elliotfehr » Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:43 pm

The virtual capabilities are calculated through the WURFL API usually by combining physical capabilities defined in the wurfl.xml, which is why you will not see any devices in the wurfl.xml that have the virtual capability itself defined.

Here are a few links to help you get set up using the virtual capabilities: ... fl-api-1-5

*Please note that I have edited the wurf.xml link that you provided in your post as it not be shared with anyone outside of your organization.

Thank you,


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