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Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:23 pm
by Viant

We use multiple capabilities to detect device type which I'd like to consolidate.(Current WURFL version

I was wondering if just using virtual capability "form_factor" serves the purpose to detect device types. Based on, possible values for form_factor are Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone, Feature Phone, Smart-TV, Robot, Other non-Mobile, Other Mobile.
-Can you provide some examples of Other non-Mobile and Other Mobile which do not fit into other categories?
-Is there any default value that form_factor returns if device does not fit into any defined category?
-Is it recommended to use other capabilities like is_smart_phone, is_smart_tv, is_full_desktop is addition to form_factor to detect a device type?
e.g. For a smart_phone , form_factor = smartphone AND is_smart_phone = true

Device types I am mainly interested in are desktop, smart_phone, smart_tv, tablet and feature_phone.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 6:53 pm
by aaronp
Hi Viant,

Thanks for reaching out. To answer your questions:

Can you provide some examples of Other non-Mobile and Other Mobile which do not fit into other categories?
Other Mobile: A mobile device that does not fit any other mobile device definition.
Other Non-Mobile: A device that does not fit any other device definition.
Examples include hand-held gaming devices such as the Nintendo DS or Playstation Vita (other mobile), or home devices such as the Amazon Echo (non-mobile).
Is there any default value that form_factor returns if device does not fit into any defined category?
Desktop is the default return value.
Is it recommended to use other capabilities like is_smart_phone, is_smart_tv, is_full_desktop is addition to form_factor to detect a device type?
e.g. For a smart_phone , form_factor = smartphone AND is_smart_phone = true
If your goal is to identify a given user agent's form factor, and not filter for a specific type, then no, the form_factor virtual capability will use static capabilities such as is_smarttv and is_smartphone to return the appropriate result.

Hope this helps. Feel free to respond here or reach out to us at and we'll be more than happy to help.



Re: Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:07 pm
by Viant
Hi Aaron,

Thank you for your quick response.

If the intention is to detect the device type, which capability/ies are more reliable?
There are static capabilities like is_tablet, is_smarttv. However, is_smartphone is a virtual capability. Also, I don't see any to filter by feature phone.


Re: Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:34 pm
by aaronp
Hi Tony,

If your intent is to get the device type, we would suggest using the form_factor virtual capability (which takes is_smartphone into account as well). Also, you are correct that there is no specific capability to determine if a device is a feature phone, which is another reason why you will want to use form_factor to determine the device type.

I have gone ahead and created a separate ticket thread for you so please check your email and feel free to respond with any further questions or concerns there!



Re: Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:56 am
by Aus34
Thank you for the information.

Re: Device detection using form_factor

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 3:34 am
by footmanbuffalo
using the form_factor capability along with additional capabilities like is_smart_phone, is_smart_tv, and is_full_desktop can help provide more comprehensive device detection and categorization. It's recommended to use a combination of these capabilities to accurately identify and classify different types of devices based on their characteristics and capabilities.