Kindle Fire HD 7" 'resolution_width' field

I have this HTTP request, I expected this, but WURFL is returning that. Please provide enough data to reproduce the problem.
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Kindle Fire HD 7" 'resolution_width' field

Postby nickdawe » Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:59 am

Hi all

(Firstly, this issue is related to the Kindle Fire HD issue mentioned at ... f=16&t=419. However I've started a new discussion as that ended up being focused on other issues)

WURFL's reported screen resolution for the Kindle Fire HD 7" is 1280 x 800px, which correctly matches the device's own specification. However, when setting a webpage's viewport to be the device width, ie using...

Code: Select all

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0" />
... CSS media queries don't work correctly on this device. For instance, the following media query should match the device on portrait orientation:

Code: Select all

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1023px) {
	/*Should show on Kindle Fire HD 7" */
	#mid-high {display:block}

... but it doesn't.

When detecting the device's screen resolution using JavaScript (e.g. using, the dimensions are actually reported as 534 x 854px (NB the height is probably also smaller here due to the browser's chrome).

I think the reason for the difference in reported screen resolutions is that WURFL is reporting the 'physical' screen resolution, which hasn't been scaled down to factor pixel density. Conversely, the CSS and JS are detecting the 'displayed' screen resolution (which does factor in pixel density).

The confusion is that, as far as I can tell, WURFL does report the 'displayed' screen resolution (rather than the physical screen resolution) for other devices' 'resolution_width' / 'resolution_height' fields. For instance the iPhone 4's 'resolution_width' is reported by WURFL as 320px, but its real physical width is 640.

Our problem is that, as detailed in the post above, we're querying WURFL to detect if a device's width exceeds a screen width of 767px. If it does, a 'desktop' stylesheet is loaded. In the case of the Kindle Fire HD 7", it loads the desktop stylesheet. However there are a number of CSS media queries inside this, which are then not matching the device.

Hope this makes some sense, and sorry for the very long post!


PS In case it's useful, the UA string of the Kindle Fire HD 7 tested on is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; en-gb; KFTT Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Silk/3.8 Safari/535.19 Silk-Accelerated=false
identified as a Amazon KFTT (Kindle Fire HD 7)

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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:01 am

Re: Kindle Fire HD 7" 'resolution_width' field

Postby sriram » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:30 pm

Hi Nick,

I think the capability you are looking for is "max_image_width" which is designed to be equal to "device-width". We have also updated the capability with your reported value, so you should be good to go!

Thank you and cheers!
Sriram Sridharan

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