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Turn Off Logging Messages

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:06 am
by KenAdams
I am currently trying out the WURFL Java API to see whether I can use it for a university project. At the moment I am try to get an idea at how fast the program will load and detect however I can't get an accurate reading as the program keeps logging messages every time it detects and all through the initialization of the zip file.

My question is, is there anyway to stop WURFL logging? Or are there any performance figures for the java API?

Thanks in Advance.

Re: Turn Off Logging Messages

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:41 am
by fulvio.crivellaro
Hello KenAdams.

WURFL logs by default with Logback, so you can easily configure it to prevent core library to write on your console.

If you are not familiar with it, anyway, this could be quite annoying, so if you write me in private, I can send you a simple example you can simply copy configuration from.
My address is:
fulvio dot crivellaro at ourdomain dot com

Hope this helps you!
