Approach for integrating my own devices table with TeraWURFL

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Approach for integrating my own devices table with TeraWURFL

Postby emaillenin » Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:53 am

Till today, I am using Tera WURFL API only to detect whether the visitor is a mobile user or not using the is_wireless_device capability.

In my database, I have a devices table with

brand_name (Nokia, Blackberry etc)
model_name (N8, N9 etc)

Currently, new users need to choose their device manually from the list of devices in my table.
Using Tera-WURFL capabilities (brand_name and model_name), for new users, I would like to automatically assign the device id, by joining the brand_name and model_name from Tera-WURFL and the same two values from my devices table.
But, those two capabilities are not very detailed for many devices. Like for Galaxy S2, the brand name is "Android" and model_name is "Generic".

Are there any known approaches or solutions to do this?

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