We've Updated Our WURFL API -

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We've Updated Our WURFL API -

Postby devu » Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:40 am

What's new in

Added support for
  • new robots, spiders and crawlers
  • new SmartTVs, STBs and other OTT devices
Expanded support for
  • custom user-agents for Android, iOS and other platforms
  • app detection via is_app and advertised_app_name
  • Chromium based browsers and web clients
Fixed behavior for
  • User-Agents and HTTP Requests with invalid or missing Android versions will now return "6.0" as the default/fallback Android version. The previously returned version was "4.0".
Note: We periodically update the definition of what we consider to be a smartphone. These changes affect the is_smartphone and form_factor capabilities. This version of the WURFL API makes the following change:
Minimum OS version requirements increased to iOS 12, Android 8.0

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